Welcome to the website of the Department of Asian Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, or DALLC. Here is a downloadable brochure that gives you an overview of the department.
DALLC is composed of regular and visiting faculty who specialize in Chinese or Japanese linguistics, literature, or cultural studies. Our Language Fellows and Teaching Associate programs bring apprentice teachers to Williams to assist in language courses while receiving hands-on training in the foreign language classroom. The department faculty, language fellows, and teaching associate are members of the Center for Global Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (CGLLC), an umbrella for all foreign language and culture faculty at Williams. The department has several generous endowments that enable it to sponsor a range of activities, student prizes, and student grants for study abroad.
The mission of the department is to produce “global citizens” with multilingual abilities, intercultural communicative competence, and multicultural leadership skills, who will be able to make contributions in different sectors of society in a globalized and diverse world. Graduates of our department will not only achieve proficiency in at least one Asian language but also become competent in intercultural communication. They will develop interpretive and analytical skills using both primary texts and secondary sources and become familiar with the textual and cultural traditions in Asia.
DALLC offers three majors: Japanese, Chinese, and East Asian Languages and Cultures. Below is the curricular map which gives you a glimpse of the requirements of these three majors. Please visit the respective pages on this site for the learning objectives and requirements of each major. Students interested in pursuing a major in the department in combination with a concentration in Asian Studies should also visit the webpage of the Program of Asian Studies.
If you have any questions about pre-registration or would like to declare a major in the department, please visit the preregistration & major declaration page for more detailed instructions.
Mailing Lists
Sign up for our department email lists and join the DALLC community!
You will be informed about events and activities organized by DALLC, as well as many Asia-related funding opportunities through these email lists. (Williams login required.)
DALLC Majors and Faculty (open to all current & prospective JAPN, CHIN, and EALC majors)
Asia-Related Funding Opportunities (open to all)
Special Interests: Chinese (open to all interested in Chinese language and culture)
Special Interests: Japanese (open to all interested in Japanese language and culture)